"Fostering Student Success in the Face of COVID." Scholarly Teacher Blog
Video for USC's Center for Excellence in Teaching 05/2020 Building Bridges for Success: A Sourcebook for Colleges and Universities by CSRD: Book chapter: “Students on Academic Probation: A Successful Intervention Guided by Pedagogical and Curricular Content Theories” 07/2017 Dissertation: Art Museum Educators and Curators: An Examination of Art Interpretation Priorities and Teacher Identities 2014 “Art Museum Educators and Curators: An Examination of Art Interpretation Priorities and Teacher Identities,” Museum Education Monitor 04/2014 “Putting Museums to Work” Co-author Mary Erickson, PhD SchoolArts: The Art Education Magazine for Teachers, Vol. 113, Issue 4 12/2013 “Examining Art Interpretation in 21st Century Museums,” Museum Education Monitor 04/2013 |
Establishing an Inclusive Environment for Students with Autism,”
Co-author Dale O’Neill, PhD Developments Journal, Vol. 13, Spring Issue 02/2015 “Students’ Perceptions of Success in the Art Classroom,” Co-author Hillary Andrelchik, PhD International Journal of Education & the Arts, Vol. 15, No.13 10/2014 “Second Life Museums of the Hyperreal,” Book chapter in Art Education and Digital Worlds, Edited by Mary Stokrocki, PhD, published by the National Art Education Association 02/2014 “Curators are Rock Stars: How Museum Educators and Curators Teach Art Interpretation in 21st Century Museums,” Marilyn Zurmuehlen’s Working Papers in Art Education 05/2013 “Believing and Achieving: Enhancing Self-Efficacy in First Year Seminars,” co-Author Dale O’Neill, Developments Journal, Vol. 11, Spring Issue 03/2013 |